Rare plants

Rotala rotundifolia "Orange Juice" is a popular stem plant, which is extremely suitable for aquascaping. This plant is not very demanding and therefore very suitable for beginners. Depending on the light intensity, the leaves can turn a striking orange.
Elatine hydropiper Elatine hydropiper 2
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Plantas De Acuario

Elatine hydropiper

9,90 €
El crecimiento rastrero de esta planta de tallo la hace muy atractiva para crear alfombras en el acuario. El tamaño de hoja muy pequeño lo convierte en una opción obvia para los nanotanques. Su color verde fresco complementa extraordinariamente bien la madera, las rocas y otras plantas y ha hecho que la planta sea cada vez más popular.
11,00 €
Rana pescatrice di taglia media, perfetta da piantare da sola al centro dell'acquario. Con una corretta illuminazione, le sue foglie oblunghe assumono un colore rosso brillante, con un motivo a fiamma. Echinodorusy (żabienice) sono per lo più piante facili da coltivare e si adattano praticamente a qualsiasi serbatoio. La loro grande diversità significa...
14,00 €
The East Asian yellow water-lily (Nuphar japonica Spatterdock) From now, but only for a short time, we offer this extraordinary plant, that you can't get anywhere else. The East Asian yellow water-lily belongs to the family of water-lilys. This small version is the only one, that you can grow in an aquarium. This demandingless plant doesn't need any...
8,00 €
Eriocaulon sp. Vietnam is not yet known for a long time in Europe, however it has already proved itself to be an easy aquarium plant. It is a medium-sized plant with relatively broad, medium-green, arching leaves. This grass-like plant grows best with medium lighting. With time, this plant forms a dense "grass tussock" with a number of leaf rosettes and...

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