Floating plants

Floating plants

Pistia stratiotes

8,00 €
Pistia Stratiotes has velvety hair and has a light green color. This beautiful floating plant is easy to keep in an aquarium and pond. The plant grows in soft and hard water.
Plantas De Acuario

copy of Salvinia auriculata

7,00 €
Salvinia auriculata es un helecho flotante cosmopolita, de 1-3 cm que crece rápidamente si hay suficiente nutrición y luz. Las hojas claras son un signo de escasez de micronutrientes. Tiende a sombrear la luz de las plantas en la parte inferior. Las variedades de Salvinia tienen pequeños pelos en sus hojas, lo que las hace resistentes al agua. Ayuda a...
Floating Plants

Salvinia minima

7,00 €
Salvinia minima is a floating plant. There are short hairs on the leaf surface. This plant can be used to shield water plants that require little light.
Floating Plants

Phyllanthus fluitans

7,00 €
Phyllanthus fluitans is a floating plant. She is one of the most populair floating plants in aquariums.
10,00 €
Originario dei tropici americani, il Phyllanthus fluitans è una pianta galleggiante della famiglia delle Phyllanthaceae. È simile alla Salvinia, differenziata solo dalla struttura a mono foglie su ciascun nodo. Le foglie idrorepellenti a forma di cuore nascondono lo stelo che a volte può dare vita a fiori bianchi a sei petali. Più intensa è la luce, più...
Floating Plants

Limnobium spongia

7,00 €
Limnobium spongia is a floating plant. You will not often come across this new limnobium species. The leaves of the Limnobium Spongia can grow up to 20 cm wide, so not very suitable for small aquariums.
Floating Plants

Limnobium laevigatum

7,00 €
"Limnobium laevigatum is a floating plant. The plant is also often used in Discus aquariums for dampening the light. The temperature tolerance is very high."
9,00 €
Planta de acuario procedente de cultivo de tejidos en vaso cerrado. Limnobium laevigatum de América del Sur es una planta flotante decorativa que es especialmente adecuada para acuarios abiertos. 1-5 cm de alto y hojas de 5-15 cm de ancho. También es bueno en acuarios tradicionales, porque las raíces finas, largas y decorativas brindan protección a los...
Floating Plants

Azolla caroliniana

7,00 €
Azolla Caroliniana is a floating plant. This very small floating fern has very small scaly leaves with two-celled hairs on them.
Floating Plants

Hygroyza aristata

8,00 €
Hygroyza aristata is a floating plant. They are stems with beautiful leaves. Do not put the stems in the ground!
Floating Plants

Trapa Natans

9,50 €
Trapa natans is an annual floating plant with a very decorative leaf. This pond plant grows in whorls around the middle rosette up to a maximum diameter of 25cm. This plant does not require any special care.

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