Hygrophila Corymbosa "Angustifolia Rubra"
Hygrophila Corymbosa "Angustifolia Rubra"
Hygrophila Corymbosa "Angustifolia...
Hygrophila Corymbosa "Angustifolia...

Hygrophila Corymbosa "Angustifolia Rubra"

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Hygrophila corymbosa "Angustifolia Rubra" It is kept in medium lighting and hard water, however a good supply of nutrients is beneficial to its growth. Especially potassium deficiency leads to old perforated leaves in Hygrophilas. This stem plant is easily propagated by cuttings that we can obtain from pruning.

It resembles Hygrophila corymbosa "Siamensis" but differs by one more reddish-brown coloration, especially under a intense lighting.

With its strong, erect stems and large leaves, this Hygrophila best seen as a group in the middle or bottom of large aquariums. Also suitable for “plant streets” in Dutch style aquariums. It can be used as a half-submerged plant in open aquariums where its pretty purple flowers when the plant sticks out of the water.

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