Aquarium Plants

Limnobium laevigatum no Dienvidamerikas ir dekoratīvs peldošs augs, kas ir īpaši piemērots atklātiem akvārijiem. 1-5 cm garš un lapas 5-15 cm platas.   Tas ir labs arī tradicionālajos akvārijos, jo smalkās, garās un dekoratīvās saknes nodrošina aizsardzību gardēžiem un citām virszemes zivīm, kurām patīk peldošu augu saknes. Ja ūdenī ir pietiekami daudz...
17,00 €
Microsorum pteropus grown on wood. Microsorum pteropus is a water fern from Asia, 15-30 cm tall. To be grown on a root or stone, attached with fishing line until it has gained a hold. If planted in the bottom, do not cover the rhizome because it will rot. Easy to propagate by splitting the horizontal rhizome.A hardy plant that grows in all conditions. The...
Aponogeton longiplumulosus no Madagaskaras ir lielas, rievotās lapas (35-60 cm garas), tāpēc tas ir brīnišķīgs augs, ko var ieteikt lieliem akvārijiem (viss augs kļūst 25-40 cm plats). Sīpolu var pārklāt ar apakšējo slāni, ja vien asna gals atrodas pie augsnes virsmas. Tas ir salīdzinoši mazprasīgs un neizvirza īpašas prasības ūdens kvalitātei. Uztura...
In Vitro

Blyxa japonica

10,00 €
The Blyxa japonica originates in the nutrient rich shallow pools of water, swamps and slowly flowing rivers in East and South East Asia. The plant has gained notoriety thanks to the late Takashi Amano and his aquarium works from the 90s.
Limnobium spongia, kas tirgū ir salīdzinoši reti sastopama, ražo skaistas sirds formas peldošas lapas. Limnobium spongia ir peldošs augs. Šo jauno Limnobium veidu jūs neredzēsit bieži. Limnobium Spongia lapas var izaugt līdz 20 cm platas un tāpēc nav īpaši piemērotas maziem akvārijiem.
35,00 €
Microsorum pteropus grown on Mangrove wood (size XL). Microsorum pteropus is a water fern from Asia, 15-30 cm tall. To be grown on a root or stone, attached with fishing line until it has gained a hold. If planted in the bottom, do not cover the rhizome because it will rot. Easy to propagate by splitting the horizontal rhizome.A hardy plant that grows in...
Aponogeton ulvaceus ir viena no skaistākajām sīpolu sugām Aponogeton dzimtā, un tās izcelsme ir Madagaskarā. Lapas ir maigi gaiši zaļas un caurspīdīgas ar rievotu malu. Viena sakne var radīt vairāk nekā 40 lapas, 30-60 cm garas. Tas nozīmē, ka augs ir vislabāk piemērots kā vientuļš augs lielos akvārijos (augs kļūst līdz 50 cm plats). Tas ir salīdzinoši...
9,90 €
Staurogyne repens is a fresh green, compact and hardy plant for the foreground of the aquarium and it was found in River Rio Cristalino in the southern Amazonas. Its nearest relative in the aquaristic is Hygrophila but Staurogyne is different with its marked compact, low and bushy stature (5-10 cm) and small green leaves (each stem is 3.4 cm wide).When...
"This specie is noticed because of its somewhat narrow leather shapes leaves. Leaf is also very ribbed. Likes to grow in a place with plenty of shade and does not require a resting period. It just continues to grow slowly. Sometimes a bit faster and sometimes a bit slower. The dark olive-green colour makes it very special. We always supply this product...
Ludwigia helminthorrhiza Ludwigia helminthorrhiza 2
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Floating Plants

Ludwigia helminthorrhiza

10,00 €
Take a look at these special roots. They look like a bunch of bananas. They are floating pads, which help the plant to float on the surface of the water. This floating plant makes a great hiding place for small fish. With sufficient light, the leaves become rounder and the leaves turn a little red. Then the floating cushions willl aslo develop. It is also...
17,00 €
Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow' grown on mangrove wood. Microsorum pteropus is a highly variable species, and new varieties are easily bred. Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow' has narrower leaves, which grow at a less acute angle from the stem than the normal Microsorum pteropus. Leaves becomes 10-20 cm and a rhizome from 10-15 cm or more. The plant 
Dabā Bucephalandra parasti aug uz akmeņiem vai meža upēs un strautos - līdzīgi kā Anubias, kam tās līdzinās izmantošanai un kopšanai akvārijā. Bucephalandra 'Bukit Kalem' ir viegli augošs augs, kas dod priekšroku zemākam gaismas līmenim. Jauku, blīvu izskatu nodrošina vēlme zaroties arī bez apgriešanas. Zaļās lapas ir 2 cm platas un 5 cm garas ar viļņotām...
7,99 €
Pogostemon stellata from Asia and Australia is distinguished by its beautiful shape and colour. Stems from 20-60 cm and up to 10 cm wide. It is difficult to grow in aquariums. It requires intensive light and the addition of CO2 to grow well.
Crinum natans
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15,00 €
"What a beautiful long dark green narrow serrated and irregular leave. Great!!! An aquarium with only one plant is already quite beautiful. Place it near the pump (running water) and in a bottom that is at least 10 cm thick and where you can give it extra nutrition. Older plants often produce small roots and now and again a lovely smelling flower might...
17,00 €
Microsorum pteropus or Java fern is an Asiatic fern. Microsorum pteropus ‘Trident’ is a narrow-leaved, smaller form of Microsorum, which like other Microsorum is an easy and safe plant. ’Trident’ is both suitable for beginners, as well as the experienced scaper, and fits both smaller and larger aquariums.The name ’Trident’ tells that the plant leafs are...
Cladophora aegagropila patiesībā nav augs, bet gan 3-10 cm plata aļģu bumba. Tas ir dekoratīvs izņēmums no noteikuma par izvairīšanos no aļģēm par katru cenu. Tas parasti atrodas seklos ezeros, kur viļņu kustība to veido sfērā. Akvārijā tas regulāri jāpagriež, lai saglabātu formu. Cladophora aegagrophila var sadalīt mazākos gabalos, kas laika gaitā kļūst...

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