Šī stumbra auga ložņājošā augšana padara to par ļoti pievilcīgu paklāju veidošanai akvārijā. Ļoti mazais lapu izmērs padara to par acīmredzamu izvēli nanotvertnēm.
Tā svaigā zaļā krāsa lieliski papildina koksni, akmeņus un citus augus un ir padarījis augu arvien populārāku.
Elatine hydropiper augšana ir diezgan līdzīga Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba' un...
Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup.
This miniature version of the well-known Alternanthera is characterized by compact growth and a slower growth rate. It is particularly suitable for small aquariums or as a foreground plant in larger aquascapes. By careful trimming, it is possible to create a dense, red violet carpet of approximately 5 to...
The Blyxa japonica originates in the nutrient rich shallow pools of water, swamps and slowly flowing rivers in East and South East Asia.
The plant has gained notoriety thanks to the late Takashi Amano and his aquarium works from the 90s.
Dabā Bucephalandra parasti aug uz akmeņiem vai meža upēs un strautos - līdzīgi kā Anubias, kam tās līdzinās izmantošanai un kopšanai akvārijā.
Bucephalandra 'Bukit Kalem' ir viegli augošs augs, kas dod priekšroku zemākam gaismas līmenim. Jauku, blīvu izskatu nodrošina vēlme zaroties arī bez apgriešanas.
Zaļās lapas ir 2 cm platas un 5 cm garas ar viļņotām...
Cryptocoryne parva fromac Sri Lanka is the smallest of all Cryptocorynes (only 3-6 cm tall and a roset less than 5-8 cm wide). It is one of the few species that does not significantly change its leaf shape and colour depending on cultivation conditions. It needs more light than most other Cryptocorynes because it almost loses its leaf plate under water....
Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup.
This red version of Cryptocoryne undulata grows wild in rivers of Sri Lanka.
It is an easy plant, tolerant of very different conditions in an aquarium. Appearance of the plant will partially depend on these conditions.
Low levels of light and nutrients will produce a relatively tall, greenish-brown plant...
Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup.
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green' presents beautiful, green leaves. Depending on your aquarium setup wendtii ‘Green' can reach a height of 10-30 cm with rosets ranging from 8-15 cm wide.When grown in an open space the leaves will virtually lie on the bottom. Like most other Sri Lanka Cryptocorynes, it also...
Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup.
'Reni' is a well-known cultivar characterised by being amongst the smallest of the red Echinodorus, 15-40 cm tall and a roset from 15-25 wide. The new leaves of the plant are reddish-brown to deep beetroot in colour. It can be used in small aquariums and is unpretentious. The plant requires a lot of light...
Akvārija augs no audu kultūras slēgtā kausā.
Eleocharis pusilla - iepriekš zināms kā "Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini"
Eleocharis pusilla augšana ir vēl zemāka nekā parastajai Eleocharis parvula, un to Tropica piešķīra Tomass Bars no ASV. Stādiet mini versiju nelielās porcijās, lai aptvertu lielu platību. Īsā laikā tiks iegūts blīvs paklājs. Nepieciešama...
Akvārija augs no audu kultūras slēgtā kausā.
Eriocaulon ģints parasti ir pielāgota mīkstam ūdenim. Eriocaulon cinereum ir izturīgāks nekā vairums un zels vidēji cietā ūdenī. Mīksts ūdens veicinās vispārējo veselību. Šis ir diezgan mazs, ļoti šaurlapu un gandrīz spilvenu augošs augs, kura attīstībai nepieciešams labs gaismas un CO2 padeve. Augs parasti...
Eleocharis acicularis ir ļoti izplatīta un plaukst gandrīz visos apstākļos akvārijā. Joprojām priekšroka dodama atklātai vietai bez ēnojuma no citiem augiem.
Pēc stādīšanas saknes sāks kolonizēt apkārtni, veidojot skaistu 6-15 cm augstumu paklāju. Ja paklājs izaug pārāk garš, varat to rūpīgi nogriezt atpakaļ vēlamajā augstumā.
Glossostigma elatinoides from New Zealand is much in demand in Japanese-inspired aquariums. It is one of the smallest aquarium plants (2-3 cm tall), and thus a good foreground plant. A difficult plant demanding a lot of light. Grows upwards if light is poor. Make sure larger plants do not overshadow it. When planting in the aquarium small clumps (approx....
Gratiola viscidula originates from Northern America and is relatively new to the aquatic hobby. The somewhat ‘thorny’ appearance of the submersed form makes it very distinct and easily recognizable.It is quite easy to grow and prefers good light. By regular trimming it can be kept very low, almost carpeting, but will also present itself well as a...
Echinodorus ‘Quadricostatus’ from South America has characteristic light-green leaves 10-15 cm long which form a good contrast to the darker aquarium plants. It is most beautiful when planted in groups, each roset becoming 15-20 cm wide. In good conditions it produces runners which spread over the bottom. Very light leaves are a sign of a shortage of...
Hemianthus micranthemoides from North America is a graceful plant whose small, arched leaves make it look like a miniature version of Egeria. It has a characteristic trailing growth in intensive light, so it can be used as a foreground plant (stems from 10-20 cm tall, 2-3 cm wide). A compact group of Hemianthus micranthemoides is very beautiful with its...
Heteranthera zosterifolia from South America is an extremely beautiful plant, which forms a lot of side shoots and thus quickly forms a bushy plant group.
Stems can become 30-50 cm tall and 6-12 cm wide. Leaves often become black on the back. In strong light growth is intensive, and the plant must be pruned before it becomes so compact that no light...
The stem plant Hottonia from Asia and Europe is an unassuming and easy beginner plant. The many curved shoots with fanned and intensely light green leaves quickly create a close group. Each stem becomes 4-6 cm wide and 10-30 cm high. Frequent cutting of the long shoots ensures growth from the bottom of the plant, and maintains the close, bushy form.The...
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