Rare plants

Rotala rotundifolia "Orange Juice" is a popular stem plant, which is extremely suitable for aquascaping. This plant is not very demanding and therefore very suitable for beginners. Depending on the light intensity, the leaves can turn a striking orange.
Elatine hydropiper Elatine hydropiper 2
Aquarium Plants

Elatine hydropiper

The creeping growth of this stem-plant makes it highly attractive for creating carpets in the aquarium. The very small leaf size makes it an obvious choice for nano-tanks. Its fresh green colour compliments wood, rocks and other plants extraordinary well and has made the plant increasingly popular. The growth of Elatine hydropiper is quite similar to...
Medium-sized monkfish, perfect for planting alone in the middle of the aquarium. With proper lighting, its oblong leaves take on a bright red color, with a flame pattern. Echinodorusy (żabienice) are mostly plants that are easy to grow and fit practically in any reservoir. Their great diversity means that we can easily find a plant for every aquarium...
The East Asian yellow water-lily (Nuphar japonica Spatterdock) From now, but only for a short time, we offer this extraordinary plant, that you can't get anywhere else. The East Asian yellow water-lily belongs to the family of water-lilys. This small version is the only one, that you can grow in an aquarium. This demandingless plant doesn't need any...
Eriocaulon sp. Vietnam is not yet known for a long time in Europe, however it has already proved itself to be an easy aquarium plant. It is a medium-sized plant with relatively broad, medium-green, arching leaves. This grass-like plant grows best with medium lighting. With time, this plant forms a dense "grass tussock" with a number of leaf rosettes and...

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